The Challenge
Innovation Group handles claims for 15 of the world’s top 20 insurers. It drives the insurance industry’s tech agenda. Manages and maintains thousands of fleet cars globally. Runs a global network of building and vehicle repair experts. Conducts pioneering research into building subsidence, flood damage, even bat species. Few people ever realise that when their AXAs or Avivas are sorting their stuff out, in reality it’s Innovation Group behind the scenes: 3,300 people in 10 countries are on the case.
But Innovation Group had grown through the acquisition of many disparate, unintegrated, niche businesses all around the world. This fragmentation was problematic in terms of putting together multi-national deals. Their senior team asked us to unite them, globally, behind a single brand idea.
The work was carried out in collaboration with Clout Branding.
What we did
Extensive interviews with stakeholders in all the countries, and all major figures in the C-suite, revealed that three things were important to Innovation Group’s customers: innovation, attitude and network (IG have dealers and workshops everywhere!). The combination of all three made Innovation Group a reassuring brand ambassador. In a white-labelled world, they kept their clients’ customers happy…. and saved their clients money.
We united these three pillars behind the phrase “Going beyond”.
Visually, the I of Innovation was used as an exclamation mark, and the dot of this became a recurring creative design motif.
We produced proposition, purpose, values, brand identity and sub-brand architecture, global website, eight tailored regional websites, global sales and marketing collateral, launch materials, global brand identity guidelines, tone of voice and animations.
What happened next
People very quickly related to the ambition and ethos behind ‘Going beyond’, and it worked very well to help bring a sense of identify, motivation and belonging to people across the business. More strategically, Innovation Group was able to hold, confidently, the kind of global conversations they wanted to have with the world’s leading insurers, fleet businesses and car manufacturers. But the benefit was local, too: regions were able to highlight their distinct and diverse commercial offerings whilst leaning on the new, unified global positioning for a credibility that simply didn’t exist before.