1. KPMG: Emerging Leaders Programme
This brochure, in collaboration with SAS (now MSL Group), was a global piece aimed at identifying and nurturing leadership talent, and involved accommodating and coordinating the differing needs of all of KPMG’s regional teams around the world.
2. McKinsey & Co: Minds at Work
This piece, produced in collaboration with The Partners, sets out McKinsey’s My Work Place platform for enabling change in companies, in which leadership from above meets ideas from below.
3. Hanslips
This website was produced in collaboration with Lucid Design, but was in essence a piece of strategy, first and foremost, which brought Hanslips clear point of difference – showing their clients what they couldn’t see elsewhere – to the fore. You can read more here. The copy has been used, pretty much as written, since 2014.
4. Salubrium
Salubrium is a health consultancy that shows businesses how to get more from their employees by taking better care of their health. This too was first and foremost a piece of strategy, led by the strapline ‘Working well’, and you can read more here. The copy has been in use, untouched, since 2013.