Park… Futura… Ventura Works… ABPL…

Print and image

1. Futura

Colin Goodhew of Lucid had the idea to use printing terminology to help Futura get across their message. Brilliant idea; I had the pleasure of being asked to execute it.


2. Park Communications

Chris Vane had the idea to stick all manner of things to a series of mailers for Park Communications, and then riff off them with illustrations to communicate the excellence of Park. Pencil sharpeners, screwdrivers, post it notes, rubbers, pound coins, keys… you name it. The idea, broadly, was that your printer should be as accessible, simple to use, trustworthy and good value for money as your stationery.

3. Ventura Works

All that’s left of this job are a few bad-quality A4 printouts, but I loved the idea and copy, produced in collaboration with Hat-trick, so for the archive, here it is.

4. Anthony Blake Photo Library

This photo library, specialising in food, were later (ahem) gobbled up by Getty Images.

5. Boss Print

To see this project, please click here.


Scott, this is amazing!! We love it, you've really captured something special. Clare Parker Director, Anthony Blake Photo Library